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Who? Deacons

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Colin Rookes

Devonian born and bred, Colin did a degree in Financial Services at Bournemouth before working in Manchester for a number of years. He then relocated to Southampton where he has lived ever since. He is married to his wife Sarah. They have two boys, one at secondary and one at primary school.

Colin's role as a Deacon is to oversee the work of the Care Team.


Dan Strivens

Dan oversees safeguarding of adults and children in the life of the church.

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Ian Lawson

Born and brought up in London, Ian moved to Hampshire many years ago. Ian has now retired having worked for Hampshire Education for many years.

He has been married to Ferna for 12 years – between them they have four children and nine grandchildren. They are keen travellers and like to keep in touch with contacts around the world.

Ian's role in the Deaconate is to oversee financial matters.

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Dan Wallace

Dan arrived in Southampton in 2012 to study Acoustical Engineering, a specialism prompted by his love of all things noisy.

Dan now works as a research engineer in a 3D audio company, and in his role as Deacon, helps everyone access Church life through technology.

He is married to Hannah and they have two young children.

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Huw Murray

Huw oversees church governance in his role as Deacon.

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Mike Riddle

Mike has been a member of Netley Christian Fellowship since the church was founded and has been active in many areas of church life over the years.

He now oversees the Church's activities at The Haven.

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Jo Pyle

Jo organises the teams of volunteers who set up, steward and serve at our Sunday services.