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Sermon series - Revelation

Series through the book of Revelation

Date Title Speaker Text(s) Listen Download
27/10/2024 Blessed are those who hear - introduction to Revelation Paul Oliver Revelation 1:1-3 save_alt
10/11/2024 A Triune Address Paul Oliver Revelation 1:4-8 save_alt
17/11/2024 Behold, I am Alive Forevermore Paul Oliver Revelation 1:9-20 save_alt
24/11/2024 Ephesus: Remember, Recalibrate, Redo Paul Oliver Revelation 2:1-7 save_alt
08/12/2024 Smyrna: A Faithful Church under Persecution Paul Oliver Revelation 2:8-11 save_alt
29/12/2024 Pergamum: A Church Holding Fast to Jesus Adam Hawley Revelation 2:12-17 save_alt
12/01/2025 Thyatira: A Church in need of Repentance Paul Oliver Revelation 2:18-29 save_alt
26/01/2025 Sardis: A Sleeping City Paul Oliver Revelation 3:1-6 save_alt
02/02/2025 Philadelphia: A Church with Enduring Faith John Singleton Revelation 3:7-13 save_alt